SoCal Fires

Many of our families have been displaced because of the recent fires around Los Angeles. We’ve heard that some don’t know how, or who, to reach out for help, or to help. We want to offer a connection between those who are in need of a place to live and those who have a place to lease. Location doesn’t matter at this time.

1) If you and your family need a place to live, fill out this form.

2) If you have a place for lease, a room to rent, or any other accommodations, please fill out this form. We thank you for your efforts.

LA 211 has also partnered up with AirBNB for those affected by the fires. Dial 211 for more information.

Read Below for More Ways to Help


1) Share Just Enough Information

Use simple and concise language to explain what’s happening, assuring your child that they are safe and that “home” is wherever your family can be together.

"Sometimes we get a rain storm, or a snow storm, and this time, there is a firestorm. There are helpers called firefighters who help people stay safe by taking them to a safe space where there is no fire... like where we are now… there is no fire here and we are in a safe space together."  

2) Validate Their Feelings

Hold their emotions with them to create a sense of safety and connection.

“Learning news about a fire can be scary. My job as a parent is to keep you safe.”

“I’m glad you told me this was bothering you. It makes sense to feel upset. Let’s take a deep breath to help calm ourselves.”

3) Reassure Them

Let them know that their grown-ups have a plan and will keep them safe.

4) Empower Them Through Action

Sometimes children feel powerless in situations like these. Encouraging them to do something kind for helpers in the community, such as making a card for firefighters, can help them regain a sense of control and safety.

5) Take Care of You

This sort of thing isn’t easy for anyone. Be sure to take a breath, eat, drink, and keep yourself healthy for your kids and your family. Without a calm and healthy you, this crisis only gets harder. If you need help, reach out.

other ways to help